Week Calendar

Age Group
Age Group
Program Type
Library Branch
Event Type
Registration Type

Primary tabs

On narrow displays, the weekly calendar is wider than the screen. You can side-scroll within this table to view events and reservations for the whole week.
Time Sun (4/14) Mon (4/15) Tue (4/16) Wed (4/17) Thu (4/18) Fri (4/19) Sat (4/20)
12 am
This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.

Miniature Garden Kits and Display: No Registration Required

All Day 4/20 - 4/30
Preschool, Children, Family
Arts & Crafts
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Children's Department
Age Group: Preschool, Children, Family
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Event Details:

Spring into the Children’s Department to pick up a kit to create Miniature Gardens!  Take your kit home to create your own garden from a mix of recycled materials and objects found in nature.  Bring your miniature garden back on April 19

1 am
3 am
3 am
4 am
5 am
6 am
7 am
8 am
9 am
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Take a Wise Walk

9:30am - 11:30am
Health & Wellness
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Colbert Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Health & Wellness

Get ready for more activity and fun with our Wise Walkers group!

Wise Walks is ideal for active 50+ adults who are interested in a lively and social exercise program. The group will meet at the library and walk between 1-3 miles before returning to the library.  By popular demand, this program will continue year-round! 

Walkers are asked to sign a waiver their first session, then again on an annual basis.

There is no need to sign up and new walkers are always welcome!


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Babies" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.

Family Block Party: Birth - Age 6

9:00am - 12:00pm
Babies, Preschool, Children, Family
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Storytime Room
Age Group: Babies, Preschool, Children, Family
Program Type: Other
Event Details:

It’s a Block Party! PLAY, BUILD, READ and LEARN together with blocks. Develop hand-eye coordination and learn STEAM concepts. BIRTH – AGE 6


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

10 am
This event is in the "Babies" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.

Family Storytime at Ohio Township Nature Center: Registeration Required

10:00am - 10:30am
Babies, Preschool, Children, Family
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Off Site
Room: Ohio Township Community Park
Age Group: Babies, Preschool, Children, Family
Program Type: Storytime
Event Details:

Sewickley Public Library is hosting a family storytime inside the Ohio Township Nature Center.  Join us for stories, songs, and a craft-kit to go, fun for the whole family. Family Program. 


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Babies" group.

Mother Goose on the Loose: Registration Required

10:00am - 10:30am
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Babies
Program Type: Storytime
Seats Remaining: 1

Build your baby’s reading readiness skills through music, stories, and movement in this nationally acclaimed early literacy program for babies and toddlers.

For children 0-3-years old with a caregiver.

Weekly registration required.


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.

Stories for 2's and 3's: Registration Required

10:00am - 10:30am
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Preschool
Program Type: Storytime
Seats Remaining: 13

A half hour of finger plays, songs, and stories for children 30 months to 48 months (2 ½ to 4), with a caregiver. Please, no older children.

Weekly registration required.


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Sewickley Public Library Knitters Group

10:30am - 12:00pm
Arts & Crafts, Group Meetup
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Colbert Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Group Meetup
Event Details:

New to the hobby or have years of experience, everyone is welcome! Join us in the library on the first and third Wednesday of the month to work on current projects or come to learn.

No registration needed. 


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.

Preschool Storytime: Registration Required

10:00am - 10:30am
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Storytime Room
Age Group: Preschool
Program Type: Storytime
Seats Remaining: 6
Event Details:

Join us for reading, singing, and learning together in this thirty-minute class for preschoolers. 


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Write Now!

10:00am - 12:00pm
Group Meetup, Workshop
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Conference Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Group Meetup, Workshop
Event Details:

Participants enjoy writing from prompts in an encouraging and supportive atmosphere. Newcomers always welcome!

The group meets both in-person and virtually via Zoom.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "Children" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.

Links in the Library: FAMILY FUN MINI GOLF

10:00am - 4:00pm
Preschool, Children, Family
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Non-Room Use
Age Group: Preschool, Children, Family
Event Details:

The Friends of the Sewickley Public Library are excited to bring a new, fun "fore" all event to the community! Links In The Library brings a mini-golf course to the historic Sewickley Public Library.


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Babies" group.
This event is in the "Preschool" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.

Toddler Dance Party: Please Register

10:30am - 11:00am
Babies, Preschool, Family
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Babies, Preschool, Family
Program Type: Other
Seats Remaining: 17
Event Details:

Little ones learn so much through movement! Join us to dance, jump, shake, clap & more! 

For children 1-3 years old with a caregiver.


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

11 am
This event is in the "Babies" group.

Mother Goose on the Loose: Registration Required

11:00am - 11:30am
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Babies
Program Type: Storytime
Seats Remaining: 5

Build your baby’s reading readiness skills through music, stories, and movement in this nationally acclaimed early literacy program for babies and toddlers.

For children 0-3-years old with a caregiver.

Weekly registration required.


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.

Stories for 2's and 3's: Registration Required

11:00am - 11:30am
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Preschool
Program Type: Storytime
Seats Remaining: 19

A half hour of finger plays, songs, and stories for children 30 months to 48 months (2 ½ to 4), with a caregiver. Please, no older children.

Weekly registration required.


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Brown Bag Book Group

11:30am - 1:00pm
Book Club
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Conference Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Book Club
Event Details:

Welcome to the Brown Bag Book Group which meets on the third Thursday of the month at 11:30 a.m. The BBBG meets in-person at the Library and also by teleconference.


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Preschool" group.

Parachute Play: Registration Required

11:00am - 11:30am
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Preschool
Program Type: Other
Seats Remaining: 6
Event Details:

Parachute playtime is an excellent way to help children build social skills and engage in physical activity!


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Sahaja Meditation

11:00am - 12:00pm
Health & Wellness
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Conference Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Health & Wellness
Event Details:

Enjoy the silence, peace and stress release that is always free with this weekly meditation program.

Newcomers welcome. No registration required.

12 pm
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Computer Basics: Email

12:00pm - 1:30pm
Technology Class
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Conference Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Technology Class
Event Details:

Join this class to learn more about the basics of email. This class will help you compose emails, recognize and deal with spam, organize and delete emails, and search for messages.


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

1 pm
This event is in the "Children" group.

Dog Tales: Registration Required

1:30pm - 1:45pm
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Storytime Room
Age Group: Children
Program Type: Other
Seats Remaining: 0
Event Details:

Certified Therapy Dogs LOVE to be read to!  Come pick out a picture book of your choice and snuggle up with a furry reading companion.  Join us for a 15-minute time slot to read to a dog. 

GRADES K-5 Please register


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Children" group.

Dog Tales: Registration Required

1:45pm - 2:00pm
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Storytime Room
Age Group: Children
Program Type: Other
Seats Remaining: 0
Event Details:

Certified Therapy Dogs LOVE to be read to!  Come pick out a picture book of your choice and snuggle up with a furry reading companion.  Join us for a 15-minute time slot to read to a dog. 

GRADES K-5 Please register


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Babies" group.

Mother Goose on the Loose: Registration Required

1:00pm - 1:30pm
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Babies
Program Type: Storytime
Seats Remaining: 7

Build your baby’s reading readiness skills through music, stories, and movement in this nationally acclaimed early literacy program for babies and toddlers.

For children 0-3-years old with a caregiver.

Weekly registration required.


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

2 pm
This event is in the "Children" group.

Dog Tales: Registration Required

2:00pm - 2:15pm
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Storytime Room
Age Group: Children
Program Type: Other
Seats Remaining: 0
Event Details:

Certified Therapy Dogs LOVE to be read to!  Come pick out a picture book of your choice and snuggle up with a furry reading companion.  Join us for a 15-minute time slot to read to a dog. 

GRADES K-5 Please register


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Children" group.

Dog Tales: Registration Required

2:15pm - 2:30pm
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Storytime Room
Age Group: Children
Program Type: Other
Seats Remaining: 0
Event Details:

Certified Therapy Dogs LOVE to be read to!  Come pick out a picture book of your choice and snuggle up with a furry reading companion.  Join us for a 15-minute time slot to read to a dog. 

GRADES K-5 Please register


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

French Conversation

2:00pm - 3:00pm
Group Meetup, Other
Sign Up Closed
Virtual Event
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Virtual
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Group Meetup, Other
Seats Remaining: Unlimited
Event Details:

You are invited to practice French speaking skills in an informal discussion. This group is for individuals who have a intermediate knowledge of French.

The group meets virtually.  Please register for the Zoom link.

3 pm
This event is in the "Teens" group.

Take & Make Monday

3:00pm - 9:00pm
Arts & Crafts
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Teen Department
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Arts & Crafts
Event Details:

Make something this Monday!
We give you the supplies & the instruction -
all you gotta do is follow along!

This event is in the "Teens" group.

TikTok Kitchen

3:30pm - 4:30pm
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Teen Department
Age Group: Teens
Program Type: Workshop
Event Details:

Viral recipes come to life!
Find out if those video treats are just as delicious in real life.

Open to all students entering grades 6-12
No registration required


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

4 pm
5 pm
6 pm
This event is in the "Children" group.

Stories in Art with Sweetwater Center for the Art: Please Register

6:30pm - 7:30pm
Arts & Crafts, Storytime
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Storytime Room
Age Group: Children
Program Type: Arts & Crafts, Storytime
Seats Remaining: 6
Event Details:

Join the art educators from Sweetwater Center for the Arts for an art class at the library! This class will combine the art of storytelling with art!


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Adults" group.

Bring Your Own Book Club

6:00pm - 7:30pm
Book Club
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Colbert Room
Age Group: Adults
Program Type: Book Club
Event Details:

All the social fun of a book club - no need to read in advance! This meet-up is part quiet reading time, part show-and-tell.


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Children" group.
This event is in the "Family" group.

Lego Club: Drop-In Program

6:30pm - 7:30pm
Children, Family
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Storytime Room
Age Group: Children, Family
Program Type: Other
Event Details:

Put your building skills to work by building awesome Lego creations. We supply the Legos, you supply the creativity. No registration required, just drop into the Children’s Department at any time during Lego Club to show off your skills! 


Accompanying Adults

This program is designed for children and accompanying adults. Please plan to attend and be engaged with your child for this program. Drop offs will not be permitted.

Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

This event is in the "Adults" group.
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Non-Room Use
Age Group: Adults
Event Details:

The Friends of the Sewickley Public Library are excited to bring a new, fun "fore" all event to the community! Links In The Library brings a mini-golf course to the historic Sewickley Public Library.


Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.

7 pm
This event is in the "Adults" group.

Music Bingo Mixtape!

7:00pm - 9:00pm
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Community Room
Age Group: Adults
Seats Remaining: 21
Event Details:

We're mixing things up with a night of MUSIC BINGO!

Bring some buddies and join us in our Bingo Hall (aka the Community Room) as we travel through several decades of hit songs! 

This event is in the "Teens" group.

Links in the Library: TEEN NIGHT

7:00pm - 9:00pm
Sign Up Closed
Please note you are looking at an event that has already happened.
Library Branch: Sewickley Public Library
Room: Non-Room Use
Age Group: Teens
Seats Remaining: 0
Event Details:



Photography During Programs

While attending library programs, visitors may be photographed by library staff. Photographs become library property and may be used in library promotions. Individuals who do not want to be photographed or recorded are responsible for removing themselves from the area or notifying the photographer of their opt-out status.